
9 Tips to Keep Your Staff Engaged

When it comes to motivating your staff, it is definitely helpful to have a few tips. If you find that your team members are not as engaged as they could be, then this article has the perfect solutions for you. As management, the responsibility of staying on top of workplace engagement falls on your shoulders. However, with these tips and tricks, you can keep your team interested and motivated day in and day out!

1) Take Time To Connect With Your Staff Daily

Having a team is not the same as having a staff. Your team members are people who you interact with every day. It is essential to take the time to connect with them daily so that you know how your team members are feeling, what they’re up to, and how they’re feeling about their work environment. 

2) Invest in Communications

Having a little time every day to get to know your team members is essential, but actual communication is more essential. This is especially true as your company grows. There may come a time when your business is too large for you to know everyone. Before reaching this point, it would be wise to create a company intranet.

3) Create A Culture Of Collaboration

If you have a team that does not have much collaboration going on, this can turn into a serious problem. Creating a culture of collaboration means that everyone in the office understands the importance of cooperation and how it will help them achieve their goals. 

4) Take The Time To Reward Your Staff For Their Efforts

Employees want to feel like they are being noticed for their hard work. Hence, you should take the time to let them know that they are being noticed and that they are doing a great job! Some ways to accomplish this include:

When employees work together, they naturally reward each other with high performance. So make sure that your staff knows that when they work well together, they will be rewarded with bonuses or other rewards. 

When employees feel like they have some flexibility in their work schedule, there is a likelihood of them being more productive and thus more engaged in their duties. This can be accomplished by providing flexible schedules to your staff members. 

Make sure you give out individual awards for particular goals that your staff has achieved.

5) Value Your Staff’s Contributions To The Company

As a management team, you need to value your staff members’ contributions to the company. Inspire them by sharing accounts of success from different departments within your company. Tell stories about how each employee’s unique qualities led to the ultimate business goal being met.

6) Practice Active Listening

One huge workplace engagement mistake you can make is talking too much. If people don’t feel they are being heard or listened to, they will become disengaged from the conversation. Instead of speaking at length about your business vision, let the staff speak up! Allow them to voice their concerns and opinions on what is going well and what needs improvement.

7) Be More Than Just A Boss

As a manager, you must always show your team that you are not just an authority figure. You are there to help them find success in all aspects of their lives – both personal and professional. Take time to get to know how each team member works best.

8) Allow Your Staff To Complain

A common workplace engagement mistake that is made is to come across as a “bully” who doesn’t care about their employees. This is a significant factor that can push people away from your company. Instead, you should be the one to listen to your employees instead of dismissing their concerns or complaints. By doing so, you are showing them that you are encouraging them to voice their opinions and concerns and not discouraging them from doing so.

9) Create Fun At The Office

Maybe you don’t think that creating fun at the office is something that you can do. You can, however, introduce games and activities that promote teamwork and camaraderie. Doing this will help boost your staff’s morale and improve their overall outlook on their job experience.

Striving to achieve workplace engagement can be a challenge. It is crucial, however, to remain focused on your team’s happiness and needs. When the time is right, you will know it. Your team will begin to take an active role in contributing ideas and inspiring others within their company.

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