
Technology & Tools for Enterprise Digital Transformation

Enterprise digital transformation is primarily the incorporation of unified digital technologies across a business. These digital transformation tools are essential to optimize a company of any scale, be it a startup or a multinational’s deployment and operational management. Digitally transformed enterprises have unique competencies and here we will discuss the technology and digital transformation tools that an Enterprise can use to become digitized. There are also several companies that help you get on your digital transformation journey by augmenting your team. Such as Gaper, Toptal, and Workable. They use AI to hire software developers with an automation process.

Digital Transformation Tools

Technologies are constantly changing and to keep ahead of the curve, companies have to constantly transform and make use of technology and digital transformation tools to retain their edge over their competition. 

Technology has transformed how your workforce collaborates, engages with clients, completes tasks, and oversees business operations. Additionally, it gives organizations the ability to meet the ever-changing needs of their customers. By using the right technologies, you may be able to boost your team’s level of engagement at work while simultaneously saving them time. 

We share the top ten digital transformation tools below and why they are so important to implement into your enterprise right away. They are indispensable in this day and age and if one remains in the 20th century, they were already shut down yesterday.

The list of the top most important digital transformation tools are:

  1. Collaborative Suites
  2. Communication Tools
  3. New Generation Intranet Platforms
  4. CRM Tools
  5. CMS Tools
  6. Cloud Storage
  7. Project Management Tools
  8. Recruitment Management Tools
  9. Digital Accounting Tools
  10. Payroll Management Tools

These tools are crucial to making everyday operations as seamless as possible. They do not disrupt the flow when implemented either piece by piece or of them collectively. There is not much of a learning curve when implanted, so even your older employees can easily shift from the age-old mode of working to something more modern. Make effective use of them in order to optimize performance. When every industry or enterprise has implemented digital transformation successfully, the externalities are boundless, because it literally affects the efficiency and productivity on a country level. For example, countries that have fruitfully implemented digital transformation initiatives and continue to do so, such as the United Kingdom, are three times more efficient and productive than others.

There are proven advantages to digitizing your enterprise which include:

Even though there are proven results, some enterprises still drag their feet about implementing digital transformation tools and consider it a nonpriority expense.

Digital Transformation Tools In Brief

Collaborative Suites: A collaborative software package enables workers to creatively accomplish shared goals by combining their skill sets and expertise through a number of interconnected technologies.

Communication tools: communication tools created expressly for data collection, your team may monitor statistics, trends, and more in real-time.

New Generation Intranet Platforms: Modern features offered by these platforms will help you better your approach, and integrated user analytics can help you make decisions in the future.

CRM Tools: You may handle marketing campaigns, customer care issues, sales possibilities, and contact information for customers and prospects all from one location with the use of a CRM solution.

CMS Tools: Without having to start from scratch with code, a content management system (CMS) provides a graphical user interface with tools for creating, editing, and publishing web content.

Cloud Storage: It is given on demand with just-in-time capacity and price, there is no need to acquire and operate your own data storage infrastructure.

Project management tools: Project management tools are designed expressly to assist an individual or team in planning and overseeing their tasks and projects.

Digital Accounting Tools: When you employ a digital accounting system, your data is constantly up to date. Right now, you’re in a great position to seek financial advice.

Payroll Management Tools: It also assists in giving precise data and analysis in a safe and accessible manner, while also expediting the process of computing compensation and deductions, providing correct payslips, and quickly calculating vacations, costs, and bonuses.

Companies Going Digital

We will be listing the 10 companies that successfully implemented digital transformation tools and how they are successful companies going digital.

  1. Building a better future: IKEA
  2. Brick by Brick: Lego
  3. From license to the cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud
  4. Delivery by Data: DHL
  5. Banking reinvented: Hanseatic Bank
  6. Smart City through Sound Transit
  7. Digitization with Disney
  8. Power to the Players: GameStop
  9. Earth-shaking transformation: Caterpillar
  10. Streamlining Education: Utrecht University

All these companies went digital and made use of technologies like Advanced Quality Control Center (AQCC) and improved customer experience through digitization for DHL, simplifying the IT architecture by parallel processing and a modular approach to technology for IKEA among various other transformations.

Not every company has to implement everything to be on top. As already mentioned piecemeal is just effective.

The push in productivity and ease of work is tremendous.

Emerging Technologies

The emerging technologies that go beyond just the tools that help enterprises digitally transform include IoT technologies, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and so much more. These technologies have the potential to harness the strength to disrupt the whole digital landscape exponentially. Utilizing them now could catapult any enterprise to the forefront. 

Digital Transformation Scope

We saw the full scope of digital transformation during the pandemic. COVID19 pushed the world to become remote almost overnight. And things that were said a few months prior to the event, became reality almost instantly. Everyone agrees that the remote mode system was pushed at least 7 years forward. Every tool and technology at our disposal were leveraged to keep things moving. And not surprisingly productivity actually increased, instead of the losses the bosses 


Digital Transformation Methodology

There is no one method for digital transformation. As shared earlier, every enterprise has its own needs to look at and digitize accordingly. Some companies would prioritize customer services and automate that, others would want a more efficient HR and automate their payroll, etc and the list is endless. The key is to analyze your needs and use those digital tools and technologies that optimize your prioritized option. It is also less expensive to take it one step at a time and implement all the tools steadily. This would increase efficiency and productivity and maximize profits, which is always the ultimate goal.

Concluding Words

Those who are too stubborn to use technology and digital transformation tools to help their enterprise be catapulted into the 21st century have been left to the wayside. The pandemic has taught us that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And these learnings are imperative to remember and make use of. If it could be done then, during 2 years of absolute chaos and mayhem, then it can be done in the new normal as well. Making effective use of the tools at hand is sound business acumen and being able to ask for help and hire the right people to do that for you is also the best decision you can make for your company.

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